Human Capital
I feel like I am flourishing, which is a wonderful thing to say. I am in good health, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually – at least overall. But I also believe that there are endless opportunities for growth within this section, especially when I divert my gaze from the internal to the external. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by a thriving community, but there is always room for more, even more so on a societal level. My own embeddedness within that also means that my own potential cannot and will not be fully fulfilled until everyone has the same chances and equitable access to all they need in life.
Social Capital
I feel about this similarly as I do about human capital. I feel grounded and cared for in my social circles and I feel that I can extend that same feeling to others in return. I have so many people that I love dearly, and I feel secure in my relationships. But here too is always room for more. I do still try to find more of “my people” in the region that I am settled in for now, and I sometimes struggle with irreconcilable differences, for example from a political standpoint.
Natural Capital
I could not be richer in natural capital currently, but I am also hyper-aware of the fragility of it all. I get to step out of my door and be surrounded by trees, I get to jump in one of the clearest lakes in the province every day in summer, I get to have sweeping views over forests and hills when I hike in my area. But I also drive through burnt down stretches along the highway every time I go to Kamloops. I also see the snowmelt drying up way too early. I know very well that I cannot take a minute of my time in nature for granted.
Built Capital
On a private level, I do not have much, but I certainly have all I need. I have a beautiful tiny home that I feel comfy and safe in, and I am surrounded by things that bring me joy. I also do not think I have anything to complain about on a public level, either. The infrastructure in my region could of course be better – I wished for more accessible healthcare for example, and a much higher investment into public transit – but seen on a global scale, I have access to everything I need.
Financial Capital
Well, I do not have a lot of money to my name, but I also do not have any debt to speak of. At this point in my life, this is a tradeoff I am happy to accept.